Sunday 24 November 2013

Post 35 - Poster Designs

Following the conventions of a film poster, I looked at the conventions of the poster titles, taglines and image to begin the layout. Below is a few images of examples of layout I have an idea for.

I used the photo editing program 'G.I.M.P' to create a draft of a poster based on one of the layouts above. To do this, I used a screen-cap from one of our scenes which fit as the main image as it provided room for a title to fit to the side and frame the image itself. Whilst the tagline is not short like the general drama film poster is, I think that as a start the tagline incorporates what is in the film, showing that in involves memories/forgetting.

In this design, I wanted the tagline and the title to be clear and eye catching, so when editing I used the 'Drop Shadow' tool to create the effect of shadow behind the text. Also with the title I used a tool on the program called 'Blinds' to create the effect of the title bring broken up as earlier in my project, [Post 3], when looking at the characterisation of the antagonist, there was an image where someone had been split up into sections and I felt that this worked with the title of our film.

However, I have noticed that the tagline is what stands out the most and in the final poster design I will edit this.

1 comment:

    Wow, Laura, you really are extremely talented and capable. This is an excellent blog. You even found the booklet I gave you and added the link - good thinking.
    In order to ensure a really good grade you will need excellent ancillary products an an excellent short film. Really focus on these elements. I think we should discuss the next step of the poster design. I also think annotated sketches of your ideas to show development as well as a post on feedback and changes made according to feedback. lease organise some time with me to look through all your filmed footage so we can discuss on possible improvements.
    It would be essential to create a post after you have done all your research into each task to summarise how your research and planning informed your final products. Do this for the film, the poster and magazine design - this is one of the criteria written when we are asked to grade.
    See me if you would like to see how the coursework is graded overall (especially for the film) or go to OCR A2 media studies spec and read through the relevant sections.
    I'm extremely proud of you and all your hard work, well done. When the extra posts suggested are done, you will be on a strong A grade for your research and planning
    Research and planning - 20 marks
    Construction of poster, film and double page spread - 60 marks
    Evaluation - 20 marks
    For each of your evaluation answers use a different and appropriate to the task, form of media - get going on this asap.
