Sunday 3 November 2013

Post 22 - Film Distibution

As short films don't have the budget for high-end marketing, film-makers must find other ways in which to promote and show their film. This can be done through multiple platforms, be it social media/digital distribution or film festivals.

Some of the below information is from this booklet we were given by our teacher.

Social Media

Websites such as Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr are a great way to spread a film to an audience, word-of-mouth is vital for any film, but especially for short films with a small marketing budget or even none at all. Viral spread is what some film-makers desire and through video websites such as YouTube, short films can be uploaded and views by hundred and thousands of people. This digital distribution is also a away in which short films often find distributors if the film is sent to theatres and cinemas.

Phone apps such as 'Popcorn Horror' also supply app uses with short films to watch, this spreads an audience further than just the internet, it allows the fragmented audience access to these films offline.

Film Festivals

Festivals are a great way to get independent films out to the audience, festivals are also often where both small and larger budget indie films gain distribution for theatrical release, such as Steve McQueen's film 'Shame' which, after the Toronto Film Festival was picked up by 'Fox Searchlight'. 
Festivals are a great way for films to win awards, get recognition and find marketing ways to draw in an audience.
The BFI have one of the bigger UK based film festivals every year, which provides a platform for both bigger budget independent films and lower budget films to be submitted into may categories for people to then go and see. 
However, most festivals will not allow content that is older than two years to be submitted and thus after these festivals, some films are left to find another way to thrive and reach their audience.

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