Friday 22 November 2013

Post 27 - PRE-PRODUCTION: Location Reece and Risk Assessment


LOCATION 1 - BEDROOM: For our opening scene we used one of our group's bedrooms as our main character is a student, this worked. We were careful in the room to move our personal stuff and the equipment into a safe area which was away from where we filmed, we opened up the tripod near this however, as shown in the picture.
We also used this room as it allowed us to have a good perspective shot of the outside and had a great lighting as the windows are on the ceiling.

LOCATION 2 - VILLAGE PATHWAY:After changing our location for Scene 3, during out filming we took these shots. Our location involved a tattoo shop, in which we used the walkway corner to have our female character [Woman] to exit out of. This was done so that we wouldn't need to inconvenience anyone in a shop with multiple takes.

We also used this location because of how open it was for us to position the characters and tripod/camera. This allowed us, whilst there were people using the pathway, to be out of people's way and get out shots done as efficiently as possible. It also limited the risk of damaging the equipment with too many people around us.

LOCATION 3 - KITCHEN: We also filmed inside my house for Scenes 2 and 5, this meant that we had to be careful of both the other members of the household, but also, in such a small space, to make sure the equipment was safe and packed away and any leads were not caught under furniture. In this location we have both natural and artificial lighting as we would be filming after school. This may mean we have to colour correct scenes.

LOCATION 4 - LIVING ROOM: We will only have artifical light within a cramped space and will have to colour correct the scenes. The space in this room will prove difficult because of the size of our shots and the camped space we are shooting in. Some shots will need the reflector in use to make sure our actor's faces are lit up and visable. 

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