Saturday 23 November 2013

Post 32a - Film Posters [Media Theory]

Ronald Barthes' Media Theory

Ronald Barthes was a French theorist and semiologist and through his work of deciphering works were 'put together' there are 5 narrative codes within media which apply to posters.
  1. Action Code - Little actions which do not raise questions, used to build tension and suspense to an audience what is going to happen, and to entice them to guess.
  2. Enigma Code - An element which is not explained and acts as a mystery to get the audience involved and raise questions.
  3. Referential Code - Refers to an external [cultural, scientific or historical] body of knowledge.
  4. Symbolic Code - Looks at symbols and their connotations and the meanings behind them.
  5. Semantic Code - An aspect which suggests or refers to additional meaning.
He suggested that narratives are split into two, OPEN and CLOSED. OPEN is when a narrative can be unravelled in multiple different ways and they way it can be viewed can be different. CLOSED is when there is only one obvious way to interpret something.

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