Sunday 20 October 2013

Post 11 - Script Feedback

In order to improve our script, our group took the opportunity to speak to a professional scriptwriter - Dudi Appleton - about our film script, giving us feedback on how to have it make more sense and on how to have a definite story. He also provided a basis that we needed to have a 'key' in order to explain what's going on with our main character and why he's taking people's memories.

We did the interview via Skype chat, I recorded it, thus my voice may be much louder than others and some of the voices may cut-out because of connection/microphone.
The recording below will need to be started at 1:57, as that is where we began the interview.

Things taken from the interview:

  • That we really needed to have a clearer script, parts, mainly scene 3 till scene 7, seemed too confusing and needed to have features cut to make it simpler, there was too much in too little time.
  • As a group we needed to think of a 'key' that would explain what is happening, the scriptwriter suggested with the woman forgetting her marriage, having her holding/having collected an aspect of the wedding, such as a photo album or a t-shirt, that would tell us, it is her memory we are seeing and then use a technique to show that Thomas has taken it. This is because as it stands it could be seen that he has instead placed the memory inside her head rather than vise verse.
  • In relation to the key, he also suggested a, termed 'cop-out', of having our character telling someone about the events and then that person forgetting our character.

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