Tuesday 10 September 2013

Post 10 - Film Treatment and Feedback from Class

Below are scans of our original treatment, after reading it to our class we gained feedback which is also listed below.

Feedback from class we need to consider:
  • Editing is vital to this film and the effects will have to be done well or it won't looks good.
  • Possibly having it so all of the memories Thomas sees add up to something at the end?
  • May be too complex, may need to simplify it.
  • There was confusion and so we need to make sure we have a flowing plot and name the characters.
  • Changing how the woman sees the ring and what she does with it?
  • LOCATIONS: Told that our choices of Watford or Hemel were good but Hemel was preferable. Also in these locations to make sure no-one is in the background of the shot is messing around.

Developed treatment of our film:
Thomas, an 18 year old teenage misfit wakes up to find himself with an awful headache, as he starts the day he finds his friends in his house have appeared to have lost their memories of the last 24 hours, confused by their dazed looks and the ache in his head, he puts it down to the drinking the night previous.
Whilst in town shopping, Thomas’ headache doesn’t fade and he starts to notice some of the people around him with the same blank look his friends had had earlier. He is hit by flashes of images and staggers back in pain, bumping into a woman. He goes to apologise but has a sudden flash of pain and falls to the floor and is transported into a different location, he watches from afar as he sees a couple getting engaged and sees flashes of a marriage. He comes back to reality to the woman with the same blank expression. The woman offers a hand to Thomas and notices her wedding ring on her hand, frowning she takes it off and in assumption passes it to Thomas, their hands brush and Thomas gasps with another flash of pain and sees a floating female name appear in front of him, he goes to grab it but fails and turns to find the woman with a confused look on her face as she turns to Thomas and asks who she is.
In a panic, Thomas runs through the town to get away, bumping into a few more people and seeing a flash of memories appear around him. He attempts to escape and sees one of his friends from earlier in the morning in town, in an attempt to avoid him Thomas brushes against his friend, a memory appearing and disappearing. Thomas runs to a nearby park to cool down and try to figure out what's happening, in his daze and still on-going headache, he walks home, finding his friends in the kitchen again, all looking confused. He starts to shout and tell them about what's happening but they don't believe him and try to calm him down, he twitches to avoid them but they touch him. They all stop dead until they ask who he is.
The film ends with Thomas locking himself away in his room and there is a time lapse of two days and we see Thomas surrounded by drawings of the memories. The final shots show him drawing aspects of the marriage from earlier in the film as he slowly breaks down and snaps.

1 comment:

  1. Do another new improved treatment and get feedback before you start your script to ensure you are on the right track - can you get feedback on-line as well as from me or class members? This feedback MUST be written on your blog. Also each script draft and it's development with feedback along the way should be included (you can use the comments box on microsoft word to show feedback)
    This is looking really good. Like Sabene you are currently a 'B' to shift up to an 'A' grade look at Weebly - I would be expecting you to add posts additional to class work but in relation to from now on. Make these a,b,c so they tie in with the class posts 1,2,3.
    Can you speak to me about the genre posts because you shifted into textual analysis. Genre was important as it ties in with one of your exam questions so I need to know (but it doesn't necessarily have to be on your blog) that you understand how genres shift over time, that you would be able to quote genre theorists in your exam and be fluent in hybrid and sub genres (I think hybrid is a must for your blog - see previous feedback)
