Friday 27 December 2013

Post 37 - Mainstream Film Magazines

Having a review in a film magazine is a vital part of getting a film seen to the audience you are aiming for, Hollywood Blockbusters and big independent films will use magazines such as Empire to be seen, as this is the biggest film magazine in the world. 

The demographic of Empire is shown below:

With the majority of readers being male; in the ABC1 social class' and aged 15-24, the content of the magazine may focus on their psychographic needs. Empire's main features are often big action, superhero and adventure blockbusters to pull in their larger based audience. If you look at the cover images of the Empire Magazines within recent years there is a pattern of action, adventure and superhero/fantasy films taking prevalence with no romance or even comedy films being the main focus towards audiences.

Another big film magazine is Total Film. This magazine occasionally holds specials and focuses in on a specific genre of film, this will be whenever a genre has had an event or has multiple large budget films being released in a few years. Such as the 'Comic-Book Movie Special' which was released after 'New York Comic Con' earlier this year.

The demographic for Total Film is slightly different to Empire, as shown below, and has a much more mature audience, with the average age of 32.

Because of the target audience for both Total Film and Empire, we as a group felt that the layout and what is included in reviews is suitable for out film, as we want to target an audience with a different psychographic to that of the above magazines.

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