Thursday 20 June 2013

Post 2b - IDEAS

Below is a Prezi, showing some of the visual inspirations I have looked at for script ideas, along
with photos is some writing about why I like the inspiration and how I think it could work in a short film.

I use the website tumblr on a daily basis, and from posts on this site, I have taken inspiration for short films. Below are some links of posts which I have taken ideas from, below the links is a short description of what I took from the post.

This post is of a short comic, telling the story of a young girl and her vivid imagination. Whilst dialogue appears to swamp the comic, there is a balance between image and dialogue which makes this story nice, the smaller panels with less writing almost make this short film like. 
Whilst it would be unlikely we could make anything like this, I like the idea of a solitude character with a big imagination, who is happy no matter what. Also the happy ending.

1. Puns
2. Pluto
I like puns and I like the concept of a story revolving around a character who, due to a pun, is left out of society, or due to ridicule is. I also think it's a good idea for out short story to have a short and snappy plot, or a plot in which the audience is already present in from the start, so starting part-way through the story, or have a plot which the audience is familiar with.

The artist of this comic used no dialogue to tell the story of a raindrop and a flame of fire, instead using eyes and body language to reflect the character's emotions. In relation to short films, I think that if body language is used to the extent of this comic, then the film wouldn't need dialogue, it would need sound, but no speech from the characters.

The website of Omegle is a great place to get idea for short stories, this post shows how two stranges can come up with an idea and work with it very quickly and make a short story. I'd love to incorporate this idea into our film, not as in zombies, but the fact it's straight to the point. For research, I may us the website to come up with some ideas by 'Role-playing' this kind of situation with people on it.


1. Whilst the world begins to lose memories, one by one. A sole teenager begins to learn things about the world they never knew.
2.He just wanted a bucket. Why wouldn't anyone give him one?
3. An old man discovers he suddenly has turned invisible.

From the above log lines, I took the first to improve upon and flesh out a script plan for it, below is what I did.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laure - this is all looking great - FYI, I went to see some other schools to see what aspects of media we can improve at KLS. Some feedback on Prezi was that:
    1. They are not enough information to create one post, writing is required separately as well (as you have done)
    2. Films embedded in the Prezi are preferable.
    Leave this Prezi as it is very good, but this information will help with future ones.
