Sunday 27 October 2013

Post 19 - Media Language - Sound

Within sound I have looked at three main features: Diegetic sound, non-diegetic sound and dialogue.

Diegetic sound is important in terms of keeping the film within reality, if there were to be a lot of sound effects or music then the core of the film would be lost, dialogue would be lost. So as a group we must be sure that out recordings of our film have clear cut dialogue and when editing, than any emotion within the dialogue is not lost. Also when we do any scene, we will have to make sure any noises of movement, doors opening and closing, running of a character, much be clearly recorded, diegetic sound constructs the atmosphere of a film, and we must make sure we keep an atmosphere.

In regards to non-diegetic sound, I have taken an opportunity to look into music within films and have found pieces of music we could use in our own film. I went onto the website 'AudioNetwork', which provides copyright free music and sound effects, and collected a few pieces of music. seen below.
City Lights is one of the pieces I've like to use during the town scene of our film, when our main character is running around, the beat of the film provides tension and dramatises the quite simplistic scene.
Cardiac Arrest is one which I would like to use as a sound effect, the thumping sound of a beating heart is present at the start and could be used to signify fear in our character.

In regards to dialogue, I've looked at the below film to study into how not a lot of dialogue is as effective as lots of dialogue.

In 'blind', the opening contains vital and clear dialogue which tells us where the film is set, the language of Japanese is apparent and the TV warning of radiation hint at a different world to our own. Along with the male character is acting protective of his pregnant wife. However as the film continues and we hear more muffled dialogue because of the gas masks the characters are seen to be wearing, this muffled dialogue places the audience into an uncomfortable position, and brings the atmosphere of a different world even more into play.

The film focuses more on diegetic sound, little hints of humanity, along with non-diegetic music, rather than using a lot of dialogue. This, to me, portrays the male protagonist's fear and emotions to his daughter in the scene where they are along in a white room.

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