Tuesday 18 February 2014

Post 47 - Evaluation: Question 3

3. What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Throughout the making of our film, I took multiple opportunities to get audience feedback from out fragmented and wide target audience. I was fortunate enough to have contact to professionals of the industry through my teacher, which meant I was able to have conversations through email to gain feedback. The feedback collected from the professional editor Michael Harrowes [mentioned in the mind-map below] was very helpful to collect as whilst our target audience demographic was around the age of 15-24, we also wanted to expand our target audience towards the 'art-house'/'maturer' audience. 

Video feedback from within our target audience was all done through YouTube and filmed with a Flip Camera. This information was vital to the development of our film, especially in terms of continuity editing which was a major problem during the start of our production.

Below is a mind map with the feedback I received during the production of the film/poster/review and what I learnt from it.

* the image that relates to the asterisk in the mind-map 

As mentioned in the mind map above, I spent a lot of times collecting feedback from my target audience and from other sources of feedback which I was able to come into contact with. Below is a list of posts which link to the feedback written about above.

Post 6 - Logline feedback
Post 10 - Film Treatment Feedback
Post 36 - Second Draft Poster Design + Feedback
Post 38b - Magazine Draft Feedback
Post 39 - First Film Draft + Feedback 
Post 40 - Second Film Draft + Feedback
Post 41 - Third Draft + Feedback
Post 42 -Third Draft Feedback - Professional Editor

As a group we then created a questionnaire and had our target audience watch the film -and fill it in in regards to how they viewed the final film. Below is an image of two of the questionnaires we received back from out audience.

What I learnt from the feedback received:

  • The genre of our film was very clear as all members of the feedback audience guessed the genre correctly or at least chose one of the genres the film consisted of.
  • There was consistent mentioning of suspense in the second question of the feedback, the audience seemed to think that the music and pace of the film worked well together to create mystery, especially surrounding the main character. The two answers in the picture above show that the audience seemed to have a connection to Thomas because of how unnerving/unaware both the audience and the character were.
  • The film was enjoyed by those who watched it, whilst during some feedback I was made aware that parts were confusing and was asked a few questions, it was stll enjoyed.
  • As above, the storyline of the film wasn't all that clear to some viewers. We've learnt that we needed to think more about the plot beforehand and plan more before filming, as we know we did rush some parts to get the film done in time. More speech was suggested, however from my perspective there was enough speech and from other feedback it was suggested there was too much speech which we could cut [Michael Harrowes' feedback]. As I wanted the film to take a more art-house approach, my view was that the music and the film itself should push along the film, rather than the speech. 
  • However it was clear from half of the responses that the storyline needed to be worked on.

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